Indigenous relations

June 29, 2022

Since the time of dreaming, Koongo, place of water, Yallarm, place of shells, and its environs have been the home of our First Nations peoples – the Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda, Darumbal, Kabi Kabi and Butchulla nations – who are the Traditional Owners and custodians of the original land and water we all share, live, work and play on.

For the past 110 years GPC has proudly worked with and alongside these nations and is committed to the reconciliation journey.

GPC acknowledges and values the First Nations and Australian South Sea Islander heritage, culture and people, and the role they play in our organisation as employees, customers and community members.

Reconciliation Action Plan 

GPC was the first port Authority in Australia to establish a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in 2012. The three year plan reinforces our commitment to improving relationships, understanding and opportunities for the First Nations and Australian South Sea Islander communities in which we operate. GPC’s commitment to reconciliation focuses on developing and maintaining respectful, enduring and mutually beneficial relationships between all Australians. We aim to empower First Nations and Australian South Sea Islander peoples by creating a culturally safe and appropriate work environment and community, where each of us as individuals can contribute learn and grow.

Our RAP was developed in partnership with the local First Nations and Australian South Sea Islander communities.

Reconciliation Australia

We are proud of our RAP with 1.7 million Australians now working for an organisation with a RAP in place.

Our first RAP was officially endorsed by Reconciliation Australia in 2012. For more information about Reconciliation Australia please visit its website.

Our STRETCH Reconciliation Action Plan

Our STRETCH Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) commenced in 2015 and provides a strategic plan that aims to provide real and lasting opportunities, and builds on the achievements made together for the benefit of the local and wider Australian communities.

Four themes identified as having had the most impact over the first three years of our RAP form the base of our STRETCH RAP:-

  • Strengthening Relationships
  • Fostering Respect
  • Increasing Opportunities
  • Ensuring Accountability

We are currently progressing our fourth RAP and look forward to releasing it in 2024

Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA)  

An Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) has been established between Gladstone Ports Corporation (GPC) and the Port Curtis Coral Coast (PCCC) people, which is referred to as ‘GPC and First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang Bunda People Aboriginal Corporation (RNTBC) Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA). This voluntary partnership ensures the responsible and respectful management of the lands and sea on which we do business to deliver sustainable and mutual prosperity.

A fund has been established through the ILUA to support projects and initiatives that develop, educate and enhance the community and our environment. This fund is managed by the Port Curtis Coral Coast Trust (PCCC) who represent the traditional owners of the First Nations Bailai, Gurang, Gooreng Gooreng, Taribelang (FNBGGGTB) People Native Title Claim Group. The PCCC provide the administration and operational support for the Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC).

The PBC is responsible for and manages all Native Title, Cultural Heritage, TUMRA, Land (approximately 20,000 km2) and Sea (approximately 26,000 km2) interests across the Bundaberg, Gladstone and North Burnett regions.

The PCCC offers a range of opportunities, programs and support services that can be viewed from their website here – To apply for funding or any enquiries, please contact the General Manager of the PCCC Trust.

A ‘Relationship Committee’ has been established with representatives from GPC and FNBGGGTB to monitor the ILUA performance, manage the relationship, receive and review annual reports, and deal with relevant Cultural Heritage Protocol matters.

Talent Today, Talent Tomorrow (TTTT)

GPC is focused on recognising and supporting the talent of today, so they can emerge as the talent of tomorrow.

Our bursary and scholarship programs were established specifically for First Nations and Australian South Sea Islander students.

The student bursary program acknowledges the achievements of secondary students and not only encourages academic achievement and cultural awareness, but also participation, attitude and attendance. Students are awarded bursaries in recognition of their commitment and to assist with the cost of schooling. GPC contributes up to $30,000 annually to this program.

The university scholarship program is designed to support the learning journey even further and provides for financial assistance of up to $21,000 over three years per student. Find out more here.

More information

For information about any of our Indigenous Relations programs email or phone our Indigenous Affairs Team on 1800 243 GPC.