Port access and safety

Our Security & Induction office is available from 7:30am to 12:00pm and 1:00pm to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday.

All GPC sites that receive security regulated shipping operate under the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act 2003 and Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Regulations 2003. The Act and regulations require the establishment of maritime security zones in and around the port and wharf facilities as part of our maritime security plans. These regulated zones place restrictions and limitations on who may enter.

Access to ​​​Fisherman’s Landing

Swipe card access is required for Fisherman’s Landing. Access for GPC staff and contractors is managed by GPC, and tenants will need to coordinate access for their staff and contractors. To arrange access, contact the Fisherman’s Landing tenant or GPC on 07 4976 1350.​

CCTV Camera Surveillance

Our security cameras operate to ensure public safety, for the investigation and prosecution of criminal offences, and for the investigation of safety, environmental or security incidents. CCTV footage and audio recordings will only be accessed by persons authorised to do so. In the event of an incident, recordings may be provided to the Queensland Police Service and other state and federal government departments for law enforcement purposes.

Ship Security Officer (SSO)

Engagement between GPC and the Ship Security Officer (SSO) is important to GPC to ensure security outcomes are achieved.  GPC works with the SSO to ensure compliance with the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilities Security Act and regulations.

GPC will assist the SSO with any reasonable request by contacting:

GPC Security: 07 4976 1213