Maritime Security Identification Card (MSIC)

Transition to Sole Issuing Body (IB) – MSIC

On 25 January 2022, the Government announced that the Department of Home Affairs would become the sole issuing body for MSIC’s. This new model under AusCheck will replace the current model where the ASIC and MSIC schemes are administered by a range of businesses and industry stakeholders, including GPC.

We wish to advise that we have now ceased taking MSIC appointments in preparation for this transition and we are unable to process any new or replacement applications.

We continue to work with existing cardholders to ensure they comply with their legislative obligations around maintaining their operational need and current details, as well as reporting lost, stolen or damaged cards. Any MSIC’s expired or no longer required should continue to be returned to our office until advised otherwise.

Obtaining a new MSIC

At this time, AusCheck advise that their systems have not been finalised and they are not yet able to accept applications within the new single issuing body model. To lodge an application in the interim, please locate another MSIC Issuing Body or refer back to the Department of Home Affairs website.

Obtaining a replacement MSIC

Cardholders have an obligation to notify our office if they change their name, or if their MSIC becomes lost, stolen, destroyed or damaged:

  • Lost, Destroyed or Damaged MSIC: cardholder must notify our office within 7 days and provide a statutory declaration,
  • Stolen MSIC: cardholder must notify our office within 7 days and provide a statutory declaration and a copy of the police report, or other information issued by the police, regarding the theft,
  • Change of Name: cardholder must notify our office within 30 days of the name change and provide a statutory declaration and documentation supporting the change (such as Marriage Certificate or Change of Name Certificate).

As a Transitional Issuing Body, we cannot issue a replacement card but will provide guidance for the cardholder to apply with another MSIC Issuing Body. We will work with the cardholder to provide supporting documentation/proof of MSIC cancellation to the Issuing Body of their choice. The chosen Issuing Body can then work with the cardholder to issue a replacement MSIC based on their existing background check.

For further information, please contact:
P: 07 4976 1350