Safety at GPC 

At GPC, we are committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy workplace for all workers as well as visitors and members of the public. We strive for best practice in health and safety management and are committed to instilling a culture focused on continuous improvement and safety sustainability. We care about our people and the community and want all people to go home from work without harm every day. 

Safety Management at GPC focuses on three key pillars: 

  • Safety Management System 
  • Leadership 
  • Culture

We have developed and maintained a safety management system certified to ISO45001 

Key procedures for working safely while on GPC owned or operated sites and/or when performing activities on behalf of GPC are available below. For further information or support on application of a procedure, contact your GPC representative. 

Safety management 

Operational safety 

Health and fitness for work 

 Safety leadership 

Safety culture 

Life Saving Commitments 

To support the GPC safety management system, we have implemented Life Saving Commitments that support the expected behaviours required at work so that we can return home safely for the moments that matters. Find out more information on our Life Saving Commitments.