Strategy and planning

May 21, 2022

GPC is strengthening its position as one of Australia’s leading ports by operating in a systematic and sustainable manner with planning a vital part of the process.  

Statement of Corporate Intent 

GPC’s Statement of Corporate Intent outlines the strategies that will be implemented during the year as part of our broader five-year Corporate Plan.  

50 Year Outlook Vision 

GPC’s 50 year strategic outlook considers emerging and future local and global trends, the future port footprint and new trades. Ensuring prudent, efficient and sustainable growth to safeguard the prosperity for shareholders, customers and the community within the iconic Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area setting is key to GPC’s success. 

The Vision demonstrates a flexible roadmap outlining a focus on sustainable development, safety, and resilience in a manner that benefits all stakeholders for the next 50 years and beyond.  

GPC’s future will be underpinned by strong environment, social and governance (ESG) credentials and consider the transitioning necessary to respond to climate changes. 

  • 50 year outlook vision – currently under review  

Land use plans 

Land Use Planning 

Development approvals  

Development Approvals