Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)  

As Australia’s premier multi-commodity port, we proactively lead a balanced approach to the daily activities and future planning, development and growth of the organisation, the port and terminal operations through a commitment to efficiency, adaptation, resilience and integration with economic, environmental, social and equitable considerations. ESG demonstrates how GPC is performing against key criteria which will drive the direction of the organisation through continual improvement.  

The approach identifies key ESG metrics we use to measure our performance and will continue to be refined and updated in the coming years as we progresses along our pathway to a sustainable future. Developed in consultation with our people and external stakeholders, it is about telling ‘Our Story’ and advancing short and longer-term initiatives / programs and daily activities.  

Guided by our Sustainability Policy and Standard to deliver a future focussed sustainable organisation for the benefit of key stakeholders through our sustainability framework, consisting of four key elements which are enabled through the ability to innovate, adapt, partner and ongoing learning: 

  • Our Environment: Lead through robust identification of issues, active environmental management, impact avoidance, strong protection of environmental values and response to climate change. 
  • Our People & Communities: Safety and wellbeing of our people with culturally appropriate work environment supporting ongoing learning and development. Support, engage and enhance partnerships with our community including Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and South Sea Islander peoples and their communities. 
  • Our Ports: Growth and prosperity of current and new trade, drive efficiencies, maintain strong corporate governance structures, protect critical supply chains and partner with industry to increase economic value. Think long-term, encourage innovation and promote positive, continuous improvement for a prosperous future. 
  • Our Governance: Promote stewardship, ethical and lawful behaviours, appropriate risk management, cultural integrity, leadership, fair remuneration, accurate and timely reporting and responsible decision making through an effective and diverse oversighting Board, striving for high performance and compliance with relevant regulations.

As part of our ESG / sustainability journey, we are embedding initiatives throughout the business to meet the Ports Australia Sustainability Strategy Development guide, Reef 2050 Plan, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the World Port Sustainability Program requirements.  

Sustainable Port Management Snapshot

Our commitment to facilitate and deliver sustainable trade and prosperity is a fundamental aspect of who we are and what we strive to achieve. This snapshot focuses on our strategic priority for Sustainable Port Management serves as a testament to our ongoing efforts, accomplishments, and aspirations in contributing to a more sustainable future for our port operations and development.