
Document name



Document Name: Gladstone Western Basin BPAR Monitoring Update February to May 2016

Format: pdf
File Size: 3.69mb Download

Document Name: Gladstone Western Basin BPAR Monitoring November 2015- February 2016

Format: pdf
File Size: 3.34mb Download

Document Name: Wildlife Unlimited Pty Ltd Annual Summer Survey Shorebird Report

Format: pdf
File Size: 5.94mb Download

Document Name: Increase understanding of the status of the Australian snubfin and Australian humpback dolphins within Port Curtis and Port Alm

Format: pdf
File Size: 1.19mb Download

Document Name: Annual Report on Green Turtle Tracking and Habitat use in Port Curtis Year2-2015

Format: pdf
File Size: 12.17mb Download

Document Name: DEHP Marine Turtle Nesting Populations Avoid Island Flatback Turtles 2015-2016 breeding season

Format: pdf
File Size: 0.53mb Download

Document Name: DEHP Marine Turtle Nesting Populations Curtis Island and Woongarra Coast Flatback Turtles 2015-2016 breeding season

Format: pdf
File Size: 1.13mb Download

Document Name: DEHP Marine Turtle Nesting Populations Peak Island Flatback Turtles 2015-2016 breeding season

Format: pdf
File Size: 0.46mb Download

Document Name: Long‐Term Seagrass Monitoring in Port Curtis: Quarterly Permanent Transect Monitoring Progress Report 2009 to 2015

Format: pdf
File Size: 2.31mb Download

Document Name: Annual Report: Migratory Shorebird Monitoring – Understanding Ecological Impact

Format: pdf
File Size: 12.37mb Download

Document Name: Port Curtis Seagrass Seed Bank Density and Viability Studies ‐ Year 2 Report

Format: pdf
File Size: 1.83mb Download

Document Name: Seagrasses in Port Curtis and Rodds Bay 2015 Annual long‐term monitoring

Format: pdf
File Size: 14.46mb Download

Document Name: Gladstone Western Basin BPAR Monitoring May- August 2016

Format: pdf
File Size: 1.40mb Download

Document Name: Gladstone Western Basin BPAR Monitoring May- August 2016

Format: pdf
File Size: 4.11mb Download

Document Name: Port Curtis and Port Alma Coastal Habitat Archive and Monitoring Program 2015-2016 Annual Report

Format: pdf
File Size: 0.73mb Download

Document Name: WBDDP Annual Compliance Report 2016

Format: pdf
File Size: 0.74mb Download

Document Name: WBDDP Annual Environmental Performance Report 2016

Format: pdf
File Size: 1.94mb Download

Document Name: Fourth Project Report – Increase understanding of the status of the Australian snubfin and Australian humpback dolphins within Port Curtis and Port Alma

Format: pdf
File Size: 1.00mb Download

Document Name: GPC BOS Code of best netting practice

Format: pdf
File Size: 1.06mb Download

Document Name: Increase the understanding of the Green Turtle population in Port Curtis- Year 1 2016 final report

Format: pdf
File Size: 0.86mb Download